
The following is a brief overview of the typical services we provide to office space users.

Locating and Securing New Premises

1. Find and identify the most suitable premises.
  • A critical step where experience, understanding the market and some creative thinking can create additional options where there seemed to be none.
2. Arrange and facilitate premises inspection.
3. Negotiate terms and conditions.
  • Experience, understanding and capability will make a significant difference to the final terms and to the cost of the premises.
4. Collate data and compare option costs as required.
5. Work closely with legal counsel to ensure what was negotiated is reflected in the contract.
  • It can be critical in finalising the Tenancy Agreement to liaise with your legal team, who are usually not present through negotiations, and ensure that what was previously agreed does not get watered down or lost in the documentation process.
6. Work closely with space designers.
  • Usually it is wise to have a good designer involved early in the process and have their early perspective and input as options are compared and evaluated.
7. Follow up post occupation.
  • We remain your resource to be drawn upon, able to address any query, and also to act as liaison with the landlord if and when required.

Rent Reviews

We can review your rent review clause, compile a list of relevant transaction details, develop the right strategy and represent your company in negotiations to achieve the lowest possible rent.

Lease Renewals

We can review your lease and develop our strategy taking into account any renewal right.
We can conduct a stay versus relocate exercise comparing new space options and their costs to the option of renewing.
We can represent your company in negotiating recommitment terms.

Special Assignments

Tenants sometimes have special requirements that call on us to conceive a unique strategy or solution. We have experience in lease restructures, space swaps, sub-letting and other methods used to help tenants better meet their space needs or better match their space commitments to their requirements.